Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Aw Man, I'm Sick!

This stinks! 

I'm at home, sick. I'm sitting on my couch, sick. I'm writing this, sick.

I'm just plain ole' sick! 

{not my picture}

(And I think it's safe to say that the photo above is definitely not of me! Lol)

It's mainly my runny nose, though.

Speaking of runny nose, look at this picture I found:

I think this is too funny:
{not my picture}

Bahaha! Isn't this the cutest little picture! Why didn't I think of this before?

Anyways, I have a thesis statement due tomorrow for my Grammar class at school!

You see, I'm writing a 5-7 page long paper on C.S. Lewis. So, I'm trying to gather all this information about him and cram it all into one little thesis statement sentence thingy. This is what I have right now(minus the picture):

C.S. Lewis, an inspiring Christian author, is best remembered for writing his famous series of books The Chronicles of Narnia.

What do YOU think? I, personally, don't think that it has enough detail. Yet, at this moment, I'm not really caring because I am sick, so blah blah blah stupid thesis statement! Haha! :P


Guess, what people?



Ok, no more foolishness. Lol

But, I'm dead serious! I'll be 15 this Sunday! Whooooop! 


Can you tell that I'm excited? Haha. You sure can't, can you? :P

Never mind...

Anyways, I can't wait! Hopefully I'll get what I wanted {which includes the following:}

{not my picture}

I really hope I get this! :)

Did you know that the iPod touch 4th generation does everything most of the things an iPhone does besides call? 

Pretty awesome, right? Haha

Anyways, my lips are gettin' chapped and I gotta go find myself some kind of lip hydration. 


Just Being,

P.S. I have some good and some bad news, but I'll tell you the good news first:

My good friend Danielle over at Paper Heart now does blog designs, SO, we have teamed up and decided that she would make me one for my birthday! :) 
EEEP! This is so exciting! I'm so happy and thankful that she is taking her time to do this! 

THANKS, Danielle!!! :)

Only ONE person has entered my photo contest and if I don't have at least to "competitors" before April first, I'll just have to declare the first, and only contestant, the winner!
So, please, just scroll a few posts down and you will find the post of the Photo Contest! I'm sure you'll love entering and have so much fun doing so! 

Thanks to all you faithful followers (and is it funny to say that I get so anxious to see how many new followers I have that I log onto blogger everyday just to see if I have one more follower? Haha, it's true! I guess it's just because I'm a new blogger and I find it quite fascinating to see a new follower on my "followers" list! Lol, but thank you to those that do follow! You are so precious! :) )

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sweet Tea!

Ah, sweet tea...

Oh, how I love sweet tea!

Here's a picture of it:

Oh, isn't it just gorgeous?


Ok, so I'm not that obsessed, but I do love sweet tea!

:) ---> It makes me smile like that! Or like this ---> :D

I'm not sure where the idea for such a random post came from besides the fact that when I got home from school today I had some to drink. Hehee! ;)

It's delicious, and all you sweet tea lovers out there know it!




My birthday (since I'm deffinately not counting down, pshh! lol) is in 9 days!


Just in case you didn't hear that the first time...

9 DAYS!!!!!!!


I'll be 15!!!

Woot, Woot!! ;)

I'm excited... Can ya tell?

Heehee.. (!)

I'm not sure what type of party I'll have, yet. Any idears? Lol.


One last item of business:

There is only one person (so far) who has entered my photo contest! Poor little follower has no competition! :(

So, please take some time to enter! I'm sure it'll be worth it!

Thank you to my precious followers! :)


Anywho, Im heading to bed now.

Goodnight bloggy peoples!

Just Being,

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

...Photo Contest Update

My Photo Contest only has 1 (1, one, uno!) contestants right now!

That's kind of depressing for me because not only am I a new blogger and don't yet have that many followers, but I feel like a puny little blogger.. Lol

But anyway, please enter my photo contest!

If you go a couple posts down, it's right there...

So, please, DO NOT hesitate to enter! It should be really fun to do and to post about!

Thanks so much for following me all you wonderful-tastic followers! Haha

I really really appreciate it and it really really makes me feel good about my blog! 

Just Being, 

...It's Almost (......!)



I'm proud to announce that in - let me see, here... *counts in head and on fingers* - 13 DAYS I will be 15!

YES, I said that number... 15!!!

I'm so excited!

So, I was talking to my mom and friends the other day and I said that I kind of wanted a surprise birthday party, but on the other hand, since some (most) of my other friends have been having those kinds of birthday parties, I didn't really want to have one of those.

Instead, I think I just want, like, a chilled party. Just, you know, relaxing and stuff at my house. Nothing HUGE! Lol

But watch them give me a huge one, anyways...

I can't wait, because maybe next year I'll be able to DRIVE!!!

AHHHHHHH!!!!! (Lol..)

Here are some things that are on my birthday wish list:

  1. Another (because I already have one) Deas Vail CD
  2. All of the Owl City Cd's
  3. An iTunes gift card (only because I am absolutely in l-o-v-e with my iPod (which is a touch, by the way! lol)
  4. Some new clothes, preferably from: Maurice's, Dillard's, Lane Bryant, and Fashion Bug (yes, I'm that cool because I shop at Dillard's, Lane Bryant and Fashion Bug! Haha). Macy's, American Eagle, and other such places...
  5. Accessories, handbags, and/or sunglasses from Charlotte Russe, New York and Company, Wet Seal and etc...
  6. a new phone (too pricey, right? Lol..)
I'm thinking that's it (for now... lol)


Ok, so right now my hands are really dry so I'm going to incoporate a "lotion" post into my birthday post!


These are the lotions I love! :

This is my winter-time/smell-good lotion

This is my smell-good/spring-time lotion

This is not my smell good lotion (I mean, it doesn't smell bad, but it doesn't have a good smell.. You know?)
But it does keep my hands dry pretty much all day long! Lol

My favorite out of all of these is the Bali Mango lotion! It's from Bath and Body Works! I actually got it as a present from one of my neighbors for Christmas this past year! It's awesome! I would definately reccommend it! Lol

While we're on the topic of things that smell good, why dont I just go ahead ans post the perfumes that I use... Haha! :

This is my favorite one! : 

Second fave! :

Third fave! :
Fourth fave! :

Fifth fave! :
Least favorite, but it still smells really good! :

So, there's the big/long/ginormous list!

You should try them all out! They smell really really good! 


Anyways, enough for tonight! I can't believe I'm getting in bed late again! :P

Goodnight all you bloggers!

Just Being, 

Monday, March 14, 2011

I Don't Have Homework!

Guess what?!

I don't have homework today!


OK, so, I do have to admit that I have to finish reading a chapter in my Earth and Space Science book, but that doesn't count because I don't have to have that done until, like, Friday! (Lol)

I'm just so happy!

You're probably thinking "Why are you so happy, Kaela? It's just homework. What's the big deal?"

I'm happy because it's really rare that I don't have homework!

I'll usually be doing homework every single day of the week (yes, even Sunday!) :(

So, I barely have any time to relax, and just chill with my family, you know?

But, tonight I can do anything and everything besides homework! :)


I just had supper, without having to do homework!

I'm just sitting here, not doing homework!

It feels so good to not have homework!


Welp, I'm going to get off now! Kinda gettin' tired.

I'm so glad! Tehe! :)

Just Being,

P.S. Arianna over at These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things is having a "50 followers giveaway", and I'm sure she would love if you went on over to her blog ( Arianna ) and entered her giveaway!

Thanks for reading! :) It really brightens my day!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

...It's (Lip Gloss) Notification Time!

Hello fellow bloggers!

Just a heads up, the Photo Contest is now up and running! As is the song/poem contest.

If you didn't read the posts about those contests, then you should! It tells all the info about both contests and how and what to enter and everything!

Just a reminder that the "Simply Chic In Those Sun-G's" Photo Contest ends the April 1st along with the song/poem contest! 

I hope you all have a blast doing them! I know I will have fun picking and choosing the winners, yet it still will be hard to!



I guess you could call this the main part of this blog post! I will be speaking, today, about the most amazing lip gloss you will ever find anywhere in your life!!!

It's called Ultra by Bath and Body Works! It's like a mint infused lip gloss (for those of us who like minty things!).

Here's a picture:

^ Behold the amazingness above! ^

It's hard to describe, but the only way I can describe it is like when you take a breath in from your mouth, your mouth feels like it's freezing! It's totally incomparable to ANY other lip shine stuff in the universe!


Anywho, I just thought I would share that little tid bit of greatness with you!


Thank you for your support! I now have 8 followers! And it's all thanks to my BFFE Katie over at Hello Highlights! She mentioned me and all of a sudden I got, like, three more followers! That's awesome!

Feel free to go and enter any of the two contests! It would mean a lot!

Just Being,

Saturday, March 5, 2011

...Technical Difficulties!

I am sorry to say, but Just Be is having some "technical difficulties".


I know.. Sad, right?! Lol

It's weird because I am trying to have to "Simply Chic In Those Sun-G's" Photo Contest, and change my template at the same time and I really have NO idea what I'm doing! So, bare with me a little longer! ... I'll get there! Haha.

The main problem is that I am having trouble putting up the "linky" thingy for the contest entries. I'm trying to copy the code to my blog post, but it keeps turning up and saying this: "Your contest has not started yet and will not start until March 4th, 2011"

WELL!, March 4th was yesterday! Lol. Anyway, if you know how to help me.. Please do!

Im SO sorry about the wait for the contest entries! Maybe it'll be up soon!

Thanks for stickin' with me!

Just Being,

P.S. In the meantime-
Why don't you Just Be followers write me a song!
Yes, I said SONG!
Just write a random song! It doesnt have to be a FULL LENGTH song..
Oh wait!!! Brainstorm!! Why dont you just write either a song OR a poem!
How brilliant is THAT!?

Ok, you can choose from either a song or a poem, and whoever's song or poem is best will be the winner! There will be no theme or restrictions (although I do ask you keep it clean and free of, like, zombie guts and that kind of stuff! haha). Why not even post a random picture that goes along with your song with the post?! It'll be fun! And just to clarify, you dont have to have a tune with it or anything (if you don't want to, that is!)
Just comment on this blog post with whatever song or poem you write. You may enter up to three each person!

Eeek! Im so excited! Its like a contest within a contest(-in-waiting). Tehe!

Don't forget:
 Have fun, and be yourself!
It's the only way you'll win!

Friday, March 4, 2011

...A "Shopaholic" {With A Side Of Photo Contest and A Lot of other Important Information}

Hello People! How have you been lately?
I've been great! Just sayin'! Lol

So, as I am typing this post, I am sitting on the couch, in my living room, watching Confessions Of  A Shopaholic! 

I love this movie! Mostly because I can relate! (Well, not all the way because I would never buy that much stuff in my lifetime, but I do like go shopping!) ;) And the guy in it... He's kinda cute! Haha

It's altogether a cute movie!

Next item of business:

Are you excited?
I am!
And not only because it's my very first photo contest..but because I think they are super-dee-duper fun! :) Lol

The title is "Simply Chic in those Sun-G's". The object of this contest is to take a picture of yourself in a pair of sunglasses!  Do it however you want to! Take it wherever you want to! Inside, outside, underground, above ground, in a pool, laying in some grass, wearing a pretty dress, or in a hobo outfit hoola hooping! However you do it is up to you! Impress me! :) Haha

I haven't decided on the prizes yet, but I can assure you that they will all be "online" prizes! Maybe something like blog templates? You can give me that feedback!

Anyways, my next post will be the entry an rules and whatnot about the contest! :)


Moving on...

I just wanted to tell you all that I will only be posting on the weekends. Maybe every other weekend.. So dont expect to see a post every weekend. Haha! ;)



Haha... (!!!)

Another item of business:
I will be tampering around with my design, yet again. So, if are you seeing a terrible-looking blog for a short while, you now know why. Lol

Well, that's all for now, folks!

Just Being,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

...Photo Contest! (and some other things)

Hi everyone!
I hope you are doing well!

Anyways, if you have noticed the title of this post, you know that a photo contest is upon us! 
Are you ready for this?

"Simply Chic In Those Sun-G's" is the title of the contest! Here are the rules:
  • You must be wearing sunglasses in the photo you take
  • It doesn't matter how you take the photo! Just have fun and be yourself! ;)
  • Feel free to edit the photo! Do whatev! Lol
  • Keep it clean, is all I ask! But I know you will so it's ok! Haha ;)
This contest will start tonight at 10:30 and end April 1st at midnight!
The linky thingy to enter the contest will be at the end of this post.
Thank you for keeping up with me and baring with me.. (even when I didn't post! Lol)

Just Being,