Saturday, March 5, 2011

...Technical Difficulties!

I am sorry to say, but Just Be is having some "technical difficulties".


I know.. Sad, right?! Lol

It's weird because I am trying to have to "Simply Chic In Those Sun-G's" Photo Contest, and change my template at the same time and I really have NO idea what I'm doing! So, bare with me a little longer! ... I'll get there! Haha.

The main problem is that I am having trouble putting up the "linky" thingy for the contest entries. I'm trying to copy the code to my blog post, but it keeps turning up and saying this: "Your contest has not started yet and will not start until March 4th, 2011"

WELL!, March 4th was yesterday! Lol. Anyway, if you know how to help me.. Please do!

Im SO sorry about the wait for the contest entries! Maybe it'll be up soon!

Thanks for stickin' with me!

Just Being,

P.S. In the meantime-
Why don't you Just Be followers write me a song!
Yes, I said SONG!
Just write a random song! It doesnt have to be a FULL LENGTH song..
Oh wait!!! Brainstorm!! Why dont you just write either a song OR a poem!
How brilliant is THAT!?

Ok, you can choose from either a song or a poem, and whoever's song or poem is best will be the winner! There will be no theme or restrictions (although I do ask you keep it clean and free of, like, zombie guts and that kind of stuff! haha). Why not even post a random picture that goes along with your song with the post?! It'll be fun! And just to clarify, you dont have to have a tune with it or anything (if you don't want to, that is!)
Just comment on this blog post with whatever song or poem you write. You may enter up to three each person!

Eeek! Im so excited! Its like a contest within a contest(-in-waiting). Tehe!

Don't forget:
 Have fun, and be yourself!
It's the only way you'll win!


  1. Here is a part of a song I wrote:
    It's the Spirit.. it's the guiding light.... never wavering in the face of's with me forever....forever. Forever and ever equals eternity.
    That is part of one of the verses.
    I heard about you from Hello Highlights which I heard about from Danielles Paper Heart.
    Please let me know what you think by commenting back!
    God bless,
    Inspired by Him

  2. Thanks for the song! :) It really means a lot when people post!


Thanks for posting a comment! It means a lot! :)