Saturday, January 22, 2011

Putting My Blog Under Construction!

"Just Be..." will probably under construction most of today!
I am sorry for whatever inconveniences this causes you (if any), but I am having a hard time trying to get my design together! Please forgive me as I may not post the rest of the day!

But, hey, look on the bright side! At least I've posted! Lol!

Have a great day! :)

Being "Putting My Blog Under Construction"...(if that even makes sense gramatically..),

Friday, January 21, 2011

Bored On A Snow Day!

So, I am at home, sitting, in my bed, doing nothing, on a snow day.
I guess you could call that the definition of bored.. Maybe..
Have you ever just felt like you were so bored that you could die? That's how I feel! Lol. A little harsh, I know, but seriously, I could collapse, right now!
Anyways, I took some pictures a couple weeks ago of my back yard and the snow that covered it! Haha! I hope you enjoy them! Here they are:

This one is not so good, but if you like it, feel free to tell me!
This tree reminds me of a snowman... In a way...
This is just a picture of some snow-covered bushes behind my house!

Since I'm bored, I might as well go outside and start taking more pictures, because, as of now, I need to step up my photography skills (haha!), but before I do so, I have a few things to tell you:

1- Im thinking about spicing up my blog a little, how should I do so? Any suggestions?
2- Tell me if I ever need to make any changes to my blog. You know, like design, posts, any gadgets you may suggest, or even contest suggestions... Just anything! I'm open to opinions! :)
3- I'm pretty sure that my photography stinks! Bad! So, if you have any tips... tell me!
4- I would like to reach (at the most) 5 followers by Sunday night! So... FOLLOW ME!!

Well, I guess this blog post could be over now, because, at this moment, my brain is fried! Lol! Have a good (snowy) day, that is, if you live anywhere near where I do! Haha! :)

Being "Bored On A Snow Day",

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Hello blogger world! ;) This is, of course, my first blog post EVER! I am really excited about starting this blog! At first, to be honest, I was nervous (and I may still be, just a tad).. I'm really not completely sure how the whole "blog" thing works, but I'll figure it out! I dont even know if I am at all gramatically correct.. :) With everyone's help, I might just get going in no time! So, I guess I ought to tell you what the title of my blog means before I do anything else. "Just Be" popped into my mind while I was just sitting here, in my bed, doing absolutely nothing but trying to think of a title for my blog. My plan is to name my blog posts that I might make the title of my post go with the title of my actual blog.. If that isn't quite yet comprehendable, here is an example:

- Take the title of my blog: "Just Be..."
  and combine it with the title of my blog post: "New!"
  So together they make "Just Be... New!"

Do you get it now? Since I am new to blogger, I named my very first post "New!". That's how the rest of my blog posts will go. "Just Be..." and the title of my blog post! I don't know about you, but I think that is sort of clever! Haha!
Anyways, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to follow me or ask me anything!

Being "New!",