Saturday, March 12, 2011

...It's (Lip Gloss) Notification Time!

Hello fellow bloggers!

Just a heads up, the Photo Contest is now up and running! As is the song/poem contest.

If you didn't read the posts about those contests, then you should! It tells all the info about both contests and how and what to enter and everything!

Just a reminder that the "Simply Chic In Those Sun-G's" Photo Contest ends the April 1st along with the song/poem contest! 

I hope you all have a blast doing them! I know I will have fun picking and choosing the winners, yet it still will be hard to!



I guess you could call this the main part of this blog post! I will be speaking, today, about the most amazing lip gloss you will ever find anywhere in your life!!!

It's called Ultra by Bath and Body Works! It's like a mint infused lip gloss (for those of us who like minty things!).

Here's a picture:

^ Behold the amazingness above! ^

It's hard to describe, but the only way I can describe it is like when you take a breath in from your mouth, your mouth feels like it's freezing! It's totally incomparable to ANY other lip shine stuff in the universe!


Anywho, I just thought I would share that little tid bit of greatness with you!


Thank you for your support! I now have 8 followers! And it's all thanks to my BFFE Katie over at Hello Highlights! She mentioned me and all of a sudden I got, like, three more followers! That's awesome!

Feel free to go and enter any of the two contests! It would mean a lot!

Just Being,


  1. here's the answer to your question.
    you leave me a comment on the "50 followers giveaway post"

  2. Thank ya, thank ya girly! :) I surely will!

  3. I'm now kinda in love with that lip gloss, Kaela. lol I think you've gotten me hooked. ;)
    And no problem-o about mentioning you on my blog. You are very mention-worthy. :D


  4. Awh, thank you Katie darlin'! :) And I know, right!? Don't you just love it? Haha


Thanks for posting a comment! It means a lot! :)