Saturday, May 7, 2011

Majesty Academy Formal!

Hey you guys! 

Wow! I need to start posting more! I kind of knew that whenever I started blogging I wouldn't be true to it! 
Well, like, all the time. Like you all are! I wish {I really wish} I had the time you all have to post! But, sadly, I do not. :(

So, now, right now in this moment, I have time to post! :) 
This makes me happy! Haha

Anyways, I actually have something to post about today! 

It's about the formal we had at school a couple weeks ago. I know, I know, I'm just a little late.. But, this is totally something worthy of posting about. 

OK, here it goes..

So, first of all, I want to show you a picture of me in my dress! 
{this is not my photo, well, kinda.. It's off of my Facebook}

And me and my whole high school. Yes, whole. Lol
{ok, this one is NOT my photo. Although I was tagged in it on my Facebook profile}

There's only, like, 30 or 35 of us in the whole high school. Weird, huh? lol

Next, here's us girls. :)
{Facebook picture, again}

Yes, that's all the girls in the high school besides a few of us. Tehe

Now for all of us being goofy!
{Facebook picture}

Now, here's my friend from school (and church), Bethany!
{Facebook picture}
I love this girl to pieces! :) <3

Here was my "escort", Jesse! :)
{Facebook picture}
Jesse's just as sweet as pumpkin pie! ;) Haha

Well, that's the last of 'em! I hope you liked the pictures! :)
By the way, the ones with the logo "Green Photography" on them are taken by my friend Heather Green! Check out her photography page. If you have a Facebook, her page is called Green Photography. And maybe if you go on my profile, you could look her up, but I'm not sure that it's on there. No promises. Lol! ;) By the way, the picture for her page has a picture of a girl with only part of her dress and her cowboy boots showing. It's actually a very good picture with excellent quality! :) Check her out! I'm sure she'll appreciate it! 

Anyways, we had so much fun that night! 

First, when we got there, the first ten of us (that arrived) piled into a limo and rode a couple blocks around the school. You see, the only reason we rode in one is because the owner of our school (who just so happens to be my Literature teacher, as well) wanted that night to be extra special for us. So, just so we could say we rode in a limo, we rode in a limo. Lol!
Great stuff, right? Ha!

Then, after everyone got out of the limo we all (the three girls that were in the limo, anyways... which included my friends Laura Owens, Heather Green, and myself) were escorted by two of the boys that got out of the limo before us. One of them being sweetie pie, Jesse (he's a sophomore, by the way). And the other being a senior in our school named Justin. They're both real sweeties, too!

Then we all (the whole high school, yet again) enjoyed the wonderful Majesty Academy Awards Ceremony. (: Which is just where we handed out different awards for different people. That's all of that. Haha!

Next we all went to two different after parties. One at Jesse's house, and one at Bethany's house. They were both super fun!
I cant wait until next year's formal! Next year I'll be a sophomore! Yippee! Next year I'll dress up more, too! I felt so under-dressed! All the other girls were so dressed up! I can't believe how beautiful they all were!

Anyways, if you have any "prom" or "formal" or even "dance" memories feel free to share them with me! I'd be totally enthused to read them! Lol

Thanks for reading, and I promise I'll be updating more than usual. I'm just as busy as a bee! :( Oh well! I'll find the time eventually!
