About Me

Hola (LOL!),
I am Kaela! 
You may already know that (and you will definitely find out soon enough by reading my blog! haha), but here is some more interesting things about me that I bet you didn"t know:
*I love to sing! It's one of my favorite things to do - especially when singing to my wonderful Savior, Jesus! :) - ever. Period. 
*I love to hang with my family and friends! They all mean so much to me! 
*Writing has become a new fad (or I guess you could say habbit) of mine. Its a good way of expressing myself and just being random or silly whenver, however! Lol
*Jesus is the center of my life and I love HIm so so much!
*I appreciate every single one of my followers! You all mean a lot to me too! :)
*I love to ride my bike, play tennis (whenver I can..), swim and learn new and exciting things! 
*One of my pet peeves - that I actually do, but it is just a bad habbit - is when people bite their nails! Ew! I just can't stand it, and I am also trying to break that nasty habbit as well!
*One thing that refreshes me is prayer! I don't know about you, but praying and just centering myself in on nothing but my precious Jesus just rejuvenates my soul! Every time! ;)

Well, that's about it! I hope (as I continue to blog on..) you keep learning more interesting things about me! 
Thanks for reading my blog!