Friday, February 4, 2011


You ever thought about 'em?
I mean, they are such a BIG help! (if your a girl, that is..)

The picture above is actually a picture of my purse. And I know since youre sitting there just DYING to know where I got it, (probably not, but I'll tell you anyway..) I'll go ahead and tell you I got it at Vanity! It's such a nifty store when you want to find super cute accesories and purses like such...
Here's the URL to their website if you want to just browse around: (if that is not right, tell me. becuase my computer doesn't really read links correctly all the time.. Sorry!)

Anyways, here are some of the things that are in my purse at the moment:
My Bible, devotional book for church, wallet (two wallets, actually, because one of the holds my money and giftcards and receipts and such and the other one is for my change), some lotion, my asthma inhaler, bobby pins, my makeup, a notebook, my house key and maybe some other things that I'm not remembering right now! Haha

I was just thinking how lost and confused I would be without my purse! It's like, I wouldn't know where any of my things are because they would be strilled all over the place! Thank goodness for purses! :)

"Just Being..." Purse-ued,

P.S. Could someone tell me how to get/make a watermark (if that is even what they are called)? You know those little things after your post instead of the post divider that usually have some design and your name somewhere over or beside it? That's what I'm talking about! Anyway, if you know anything about making or gettign one made or something just tell me! tHaNks! :) 


  1. Do you mean a signature?
    There's a website you could make one for free... I bought mine though from a girl who does great blog designs. :)


    P.S. Love your purse! :)

  2. Yeah, thats right! The little thing you have at the end of every post! :) How didja get that?

  3. Here's the website I bought mine at:

    Here's the one where you can do it for free:



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