Thursday, February 10, 2011

...Loving Polyvore AND Owl City!

Oh. My. Gosh. (!!!!!)

I don't know, if you know, about what I know about, but you should definitely get to know about it!!!
And, I'm guessing that you're wondering about what is just SO awesome!!
Well, let me tell you...

Oh, how I l-o-v-e Polyvore!

I heard about it from another blogger friend who also uses it, so I thought I would go try it!
This is a place where you can go and create your own little outfits using different brands of clothing!
I, personally, like the vintage/beachy look! It's just really comfortable and cute! 

Here is my first ever Polyvore design: 

I also think you are wondering: "Hey, Kaela... Why the Owl City bracelet?"
Oh... Yeah... The Owl City bracelet!

I L-O-V-E Owl City! For those of you who have never heard of him, here is the link to his website:
He's quite awesome... Trust me! :)
In fact, he's a Christian! Which makes him and his music all the more wonderful!
My favorite song by him is Rugs From Me To You! You should check it out!

Anyways, I hope that you all enjoyed this post! Tell me if you all would like to see anything different! I'm still new at this and would like to know some blogging things to get me on the road! :)

"Just Be..." Loving Polyvore AND Owl City,


  1. ha. If I find ANYONE who has never EVER heard of Owl City/Adam Young. Trust me... I'll fix 'em up. ;)

    Adam Young is my soul-mate. The reason why he's still single... is because he's waiting for me to turn 18. ;)


  2. Bahaha! I LOVEE Adam Young! He's just altogether perfect! Lol! And, the bright side is, is that he is a Christian!!! BONUS!!! Lol! ;) Im glad to know that Im not the only one in love!


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